
hannah mullins


Which is your favorite- Coffee, tea or pop?

I like sweet tea, iced or hot. My favorite tea drink is a London Fog from Carabello Coffee

What’s your pet’s name?

I have two dogs: Charlie who looks kind of like Snoopy and Duke an adorable pug who understands commands in Italian.

What’s on the top of your Bucket List?

My dream is to one day go to Italy and explore. I’d love to see the Colosseum, eat real Italian food, and take a gondola ride in Venice.

What is your favorite musical?

Phantom of the Opera, I've loved it since I was 8 years old. I love to see it when it is in town at the Aronoff and I saw it over the summer on Broadway in New York.

If you were a food item, what food item would you be and why?

I would be a chocolate chip cookie, as the saying goes, you are what you eat and I love chocolate! On a deeper level though, I would say I'm a chocolate chip cookie because I try my best to bring joy to those I meet and it can take awhile for me to warm up to people and open up more.